Buyer’s Blues

Here is an illustration of what you might go through as a homebuyer when the real estate agent calls to say that your offer has just been accepted cytotec pills buy online.

Although you are ecstatic when your agent congratulates you, your initial euphoria may be short-lived if you begin to have second thoughts about the purchase. You may look at the amount of cash required for the down payment and closing costs, and feel that you won’t be able to enjoy a restaurant meal or a shopping spree for months! The mortgage added to the interest payments over thirty years seems like an outrageously high sum. Finally, you stare at the inspector’s report and convince yourself that the roof will blow off and every major system will fail the day after you move in. You’re in a frenzy. You ask yourself, “What am I doing?”

If you begin having doubts about your home purchase, the wisest approach is simply to relax! These feelings are so common that they have been given a name–“Buyer’s Remorse.” “Buyer’s Remorse” is almost always a temporary malady, so please call your real estate agent if you are having an extreme attack. We have experience in helping our clients through the home-buying jitters.