About New York

There are so many things you can say about New York , the fabulous restaurants,the beautiful architecture, the fabulous shopping , but I think above everything else the culture of New York is what makes it more than just any another city.
The museums, theaters, art galleries, performing arts centers, off Broadway, on Broadway, Lincoln Center, and even Coney Island are all part of the great cultural theatre that makes up New York.
American Museum of Natural History. AMNH
Nothing rivals the range of experience at the American Museum of Natural History-from dinosaurs to IMAX films, the new Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, and the thrilling Space Show in the spectacular Rose Center for Earth and Space, a must-see for any visitor.
Four 360° panoramic virtual tours and hall highlight videos with curators Mike Novacek and Mark Norell are among the new features showcasing the famed fourth-floor halls.
It’s a momentous time in art history- the reopening of Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece, the Guggenheim Museum. With the restoration of the famous spiral, the opening of the small rotunda, and the addition of a new tower of galleries, there’s more to see of Wright’s extraordinary vision and the Guggenheim’s internationally acclaimed collection than ever.
The greatest repository of 20th century art in the world. Other than paintings, there are six photo galleries, a state-of-the-art theatre offering free film and video screenings daily, a Philip Johnson architecture gallery, and two restaurants overlooking the outdoor Sculpture Garden.
One of the world’s greatest and largest museums, the Metropolitan features many fascinating permanent exhibits.
Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution is the only museum in the United States devoted exclusively to historic and contemporary design. The Museum believes that design shapes our objects, environments, and communications, making them more desirable, functional, and accessible. The Museum celebrates the nature of design and explores its impact on the quality of our lives.
American Museum of Natural History.AMNH, for Kids and Families
This cutting-edge exhibition reveals how current thinking about dinosaur biology has changed dramatically over the past two decades.
How do dinosaurs clean their rooms? Story time from 11 to 11:30 on Sundays.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
The resident organizations at Lincoln Center say it all, The Metropolitan Opera, The New York City Ballet, The New York City Opera, The New York Philharmonic, The Juilliard School, Jazz at Lincoln Center.
The Metropolitan Opera presents the great tradition of grand opera, featuring today’s foremost singers in spectacular productions with The Met’s internationally acclaimed orchestra and chorus.
The New York City Ballet is one of the foremost dance companies in the world.
New York City Opera was founded in 1943 to provide financially accessible opera performances to a wide audience-opera that would reflect the company’s commitment to innovative repertory choices and the development of American opera.
Join the Philharmonic for great music, legendary conductors, stellar soloists, and the 106 virtuosos of the New York Philharmonic.
A concert venue with many different performers.
America’s most popular entertainers have thrilled audiences at Radio City Music Hall since its doors opened December 27, 1932. Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis Jr. and Tony Bennett to mention only a few of the celebrities and luminaries to grace the Great Stage.
A casual French Bistro close to Lincoln Center. Highly recommended excellent food and service.
The Four Seasons Restaurant is described by the Zagat survey as an “architectural and gastronomical wonder that never goes out of style”.
Zagats 2004 top NY restaurant.
Union Square Cafe is one of New York’s best-loved restaurants. The food is inventive and delicious, the service never misses a beat, and the wine list is exceptional.
Go to 107 West for a restaurant that serves you southwestern Cajun and American meals with a menu based largely on a tex-mex style. Expect the average entrée to cost $12 to $20.
The absolutely best pastrami sandwich in the world, also the best corned beef and the best NY cheesecake. With an atmosphere all its own.
When you think of the Yankees, you think of the Brooklyn Dodgers and the NY Giants, the Polo Grounds, and Yankee Stadium and good old-fashioned baseball.
First people hated them, then they became like the ugly duckling rising up from the pits to win a world series. On October 14, 1969, the team won its first World Championship with a 5-3 victory over the Orioles before 57,397 screaming fans at Shea Stadium.
The Giants actually play their home games in NJ at Giants Stadium in the Meadowlands.
Originally called the NY Titans, they have become a major contender in the NFL.
The Empire State Building is cemented in both New York and U.S. history. Built during the Depression, the building was the center of a competition between Walter Chrysler (Chrysler Corp.) and John Jakob Raskob (creator of General Motors) to see who could build the tallest building.
From a steamy rain forest to an icy Antarctic penguin habitat, the zoo leads visitors through tropic, temperate and polar regions to encounter fascinating animals – from tiny leafcutter ants to tremendous polar bears. The Tisch Children’s Zoo, added in 1997, lets little animal lovers meet gentle creatures up close.
Central Park covers 843 acres, which is 6% of Manhattan. It is almost in the center of the city and is a welcome diversion from the stresses of the city.
Coney Island is made up of many different rides and attractions. Some of the major attractions are: Astroland, Home of the World Famous Cyclone, The New York Aquarium at Coney Island, Deno’s Wonder Wheel Park, Coney Island Batting Range and Go- Kart City, Keyspan Park and the Brooklyn Cyclones, Coney Island USA- Home of the Coney Island Circus Sideshow, the Coney Island Museum, and more!!!
About Appraisals >Working With A Real Estate Agent
It is not unusual for homeowners to yield to the temptation to try to sell their own home. It seems easy enough–just place an ad in the weekend paper and wait for buyers to show up. Although it may seem simple, real estate sales transactions are extremely complex proceedings.
The first pitfall can come with pricing your property realistically. Homeowners often price their property too high initially, then drastically slash the price when weeks go buy without an offer. Even if a prospective buyer agrees to the initial asking price, there could be complications if the buyers begin to feel that they have agreed to pay too much, or if the lender’s appraisal values the property at far less than the agreed-upon price. Some clients hire agents to market their home professionally after weeks or months of trying to sell their own home without success, or after their FSBO transaction fell through.
Q In what area of the United States did the price of existing homes increase most dramatically in 2005?
A Phoenix, Arizona real estate recorded a 55.2 percent increase in home prices during 2005.