Child Proof Before Showing

As you prepare your home for the market, keep in mind that some of the people who will look at your home may bring along small children. Families with children may be looking for a larger home with more bedrooms and a bigger yard.

Prospective buyers will be accompanied by a real estate agent while touring your home, but that doesn’t guarantee that the children will be supervised the entire time they are in your home. Every real estate agent has a story of a little person grabbing a Steuben apple from a low shelf, or of a toddler running full speed to the edge of a high deck.

Preparing your home to show involves common sense, such as removing sharp or breakable objects from low shelves and making sure that electric appliances don’t have dangling cords that little hands can reach. If there is a possibility of falling from a porch or deck, place a visible note advising parents to supervise small children. Some sellers keep a few toys around to entertain young house hunters while their parents are looking at the home.